Wednesday, July 21, 2010

the site

This is the site of my vege patch.

Before it was a vege patch, it was a chook run. There was a huge corrugated iron water tank that was cut in half and turned upside down. This was the chook shed.  As you can see, there was also a green shadecloth potting shed.

I wanted a vege patch and this was the perfect place for it. So the work began!

In total, the site is about 10x5m. However, we tackled it in two parts. These are pictures of stage 1.

All the broken terracotta tiles were moved out, a huge Monsterio plant was removed (back breaking work) and all the rubbish raked up. We used the bricks that were lying around to for the garden beds. As you see:

Finally, we started planting the things we thought would look and taste great.

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