Tuesday, July 27, 2010

bandicoots et al

Possums, bandicoots, bush turkeys, birds and cats. They all love the patch and each has a special relationship with it:

cats - roll in the mulch and sit on the seedlings... because they can!

birds - pick off the young tomatoes or pea pods...because they can!

possums - scamper all over the beds as they make their way from one place to the next...clearly I am at fault for putting my plot in the middle of their busy highway!

bush turkeys - wait till you mulch eveything then relocate all the mulch to the other end of the garden...because they do!

bandicoots - dig for gold every night making sure to rip up every plant. While they are at it, they munch on the leaves of my broccoli....

Ultimate bandicoot protection weapons?

I think I am starting to win the war!

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