Saturday, November 13, 2010

STINKn...... bugs

A large branch on my grand old lemon tree was dead. I cut it off and immediately discovered the cause.... Bronze Orange bugs! They are everywhere. Now, accoring to my sources, October and November are the big months for these guys and as they suck on the sap, they cause damage to the branches - hence the dead one!

bronze orange bug

Confidor - an inspect spray that works, but also kills the 'goodies' - of which I have plenty.... spiders, ladybugs etc

handpicking - drop them into a bucket of hot water with metho or detergent. Problem: they are stink bugs.... so it is full nucler protection gear to avoid getting stinked.

hanging and drying

Today I harvested the garlic. Fearful of a very wet week, I pulled it all up and it is all now drying in the shed. Some of the bulbs are big and fat... others not so. We shall see. We had a fresh clove in tonight's spaghetti.....yum

drying garlic
Not sure about the plaiting. Rather, I have tied it all together and have it hanging from the rafter...... 3-4 weeks from now, it should be dried and ready to eat - if it hasn't all be eaten already.